Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Having fun in the swimming pool!

Ayah bought a condo in Desa Hartamas, we never stayed there. But we always use the swimming pool. Whenever we have free time or holiday the whole family will use the swimming pool.

My brothers like to use the squash court near the swimming pool. There are two pools, one for the adult and one for the kids.

There is a playground and snooker room too.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Having Fun with Radio Flyer


I like to ride in the Radio Flyer, Ayah bought it in Barcelona. Radio Flyer is a pull cart. You sit inside and someone pull it for you. Most of the time I am the one sitting inside, and my brother will pull it.

Today I am riding the RadioFlyer with my younger sister Nazneen. Ayah always told us to be very careful because there are lots cars around.


I like to ride the RF very fast, some time too fast and when th RF turned the RF turn over and we ended up on the road! Ouch!DSC_0839.JPG

Sometime I enjoyed pulling my elder brothers too but I hate it when I have to pull Naim! He is so heavy.


Fifi also like to ride the RF but for time being she can't hold the RF herself so I have to ride with her.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Ustaz coming in our house every Friday evening


Ayah has invited Ustaz Halim to our house every friday. He teaches us how to recite Al-Quraan and arabic language properly. He also taught us Iqraq.

We have to read according to our turn. Ustaz can teach two person at once. After we finished reading the Al-Quraan he will ask us to repeat the verse on our own.

Ustaz knows if we didn't read the Quraan properly even if he's not looking. He can memorise the entire Quraan by heart!. Mummy said Ustaz is Al-Hafiz. I don't know what it means but something to do with reading the Quraan without looking.

Ustaz come to our house by Big Motorbike, we called him Ustaz Rock!. Fifi (out little sister) also like to stand around us when we read the Quraan.

Can you spot Fifi in the picture? Next time I'll take Ustaz motorbike picture and put it here.

That is all for now. Wassallam.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Night out at Arabic Restaurant

Last night I went to an Arabic Restaurant with everyone. Everybody have so much fun. Mummy selected a room just for us. The room has no table and chairs, so we have to sit on the carpet.

The room was divided by curtain. Fifi had so much fun, she kept running and hide under the curtain.


When to food arrived we also ate on the floor. It was so funny when Nassry ate while lying down! They served the food in a big bowl with no fork or spoon! We ended up eating with our hands from the big plate.

Ayah said that was how the Arabs eat their food in the desert, so they don't have to wash their fork or spoons.

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There were lots of pillows around the room too. We have fun jumping and hiding around the pillows.

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Outside of the restaurant there was a spinning ride. We went and spin it as fast as possible. The ride was only for kids. During the ride Nadzmi came and join the ride too.

Because of too many people inside the ride, after a few spin the ride broke!

All for the Peace